The documentary series named Extinctions takes a closer look at an international initiative to try and reverse the path toward extinction of six different animals. The last few years in the life of a Polar Bear, a Jaguar, a Cheetah, an Orangutan, an Asian Elephant and a Tiger are recorded in hopes to consequently increasing global consciousness concerning the natural equilibrium the world so desperately seeks.
THE JAGUAR EPISODE: Trapped by the clearance of land for crop production and grazing, a population of jaguars is thrown into turmoil by stress and human intrusion. A female, Lenda, loses both her babies. It soon turns out that they were slaughtered by their own father! Such behavior is completely uncharacteristic. So what will happen to this jaguar tribe? Her life at risk, Lenda is forced to flee. She leaves her territory close to the Pantanal and heads north towards the Amazon and a promised land where she can survive: Xingu. To get there, she must walk, swim and face a thousand dangers. Lenda’s adventure shows us what befalls a species directly endangered by the presence of humans.
Documentary series
2011, HDTV, 6 x 52'
Directed by: Maurício Dias.
Distribution: Marathon (France).
Broadcast: France 5, TV5 (France), High Fidelity (Canada), YLE (Finland), RTBF (Belgium), TSR (Sweden), RTV (Slovenia), Animal Planet (Latin America), TV Brasil and TV Cultura.
Coproduction Grifa Filmes, Gullane Entretenimento, FL Concepts (France), Marca D'Água, Oak 3 Films (Singapore) and Greenspace (Canada).