Qualified to the 2019 Oscar’s shortlist. Two of only three known members of the Piripkura still live as nomads in the Amazon rainforest, in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso. Their most important possession is a torch that was lit in 1998 and has remained so ever since. The area where they live is encircled by farms and sawmills, whose almost inevitable expansion is taking place through violent means. This area of rainforest can only keep its protected status if there’s proof that the two men, Pakyî and Tamandua, are still living there. Piripkura sheds light on the tragedy befalling indigenous Amazon people—the systematic violence used against them is a constant menacing presence. An inevitable question hangs in the air: how long can it last?
2017, HD, 1 x 82'
Directed by: Mariana Oliva, Renata Terra e Bruno Jorge.
With Aripã Karipuna, Jair Candor, Pakyi, Rita Tupi-Kawahib and Tamandua.
Produced by: Zeza Filmes.
Associate Producers: Grifa Filmes e Maria Farinha Filmes.